Here to help you reconnect with your light-hearted, joyful self.
Hey there,
My name is Stefanie Annique Rensink, but most people call me 'Stef' or 'Steef,' so feel free to use either!
In short, I believe that the world needs more art, soul, laughter, celebration, and playfulness. It's the antidote to the 'disease of seriousness' and the recipe for cultivating a society where people experience greater joy and fulfillment in life. To contribute to that, I've created an in-depth online course called The Foundation. It aims to help you reconnect with your playful self through a harmonious blend of daily creative challenges and enjoyable, mind-expanding explorations.
Now, let me share a little bit more about my journey below.
During most of my teens and twenties, I took myself and life way too seriously. I would describe myself as a sensitive soul who grew up in a fear-based environment. I was often told to follow the rules without questioning them, to make do with what life presented, and to prioritize conformity over individuality.
Even though I went through some tough times and struggled with anxiety for years, I always had this feeling there was another path out there for me to explore. One of the biggest challenges back then, after finishing university, was taking a leap into the unknown and breaking away from much of what I knew. Now, at 31, as a soon-to-be mom who has traveled, lived, and worked in nearly every corner of the world, I’m very happy with the life I’m living. Reconnecting with my playful self has been a huge part of that.
I’ve been lucky to explore a wide range of creative avenues over the past 10 years, including photography, travel journalism, content creation, painting, and podcasting. Through these experiences and business ventures, I’ve embraced my unique, playful, and creative side, and I’ve learned to deeply value the balance between staying true to my individual self and working in harmony with the world around me, rather than pushing against it.
In my view, a big part of thriving in life and work (or business) is all about strengthening your intuition, facing your fears, building personal resilience, reconnecting with your playful and creative self, and staying curious. Besides that, you need methods that keep you away from procrastination and invite you to start doing (living!) and experimenting.
Over time, I’ve gathered a huge toolbox of mind explorations and creative challenges that have helped me overcome fear, build confidence, and, most importantly, find more joy and lightheartedness in my everyday life. Sharing this toolbox with others is what this project is all about.
Just to be clear—I’m not claiming to know it all. I see myself as both a lifelong student and a guide. My goal is to share what I’ve learned as a fellow traveler on this playful journey. While I believe the answers are within you, having an easy-to-follow plan that lets you put your own spin on things, along with a supportive partner, can help you reach your goals much faster.
Whether you join an online session, participate in a live event, or take part in The Foundation, you'll find a supportive environment that welcomes all of you. My commitment to nurturing playfulness and creativity extends through everything I offer.
I look forward to welcoming you into the online and/or offline community,
Stefanie Annique Rensink
PS. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but I’ve been living abroad for over eight years. Currently, I’m based in Indonesia but also spend a lot of time in one of my favorite cities in the world: Berlin. All programs and experiences are available in English only.
PPS. Want to connect with me on social media and learn more about how I personally add playfulness to my daily routine? Follow @stefanierensink on Instagram or @stefanieannique on TikTok for fun stories and inspiration. (Note: I’m currently taking a three-month (or longer) social media break, so I’m not active on these profiles).
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Made with love by Stefanie Annique Rensink